Friday, February 12, 2010

Humor: Tag Sales

Yes, we recently had a tag sale, that yearly hoeing out of the junk that accumulates in the garage that people screech their tires to stop and look at. The junk that ends up in their garage and they sell next year at their own tag sale.

What I find the most interesting about tag sales is the haggling that goes on. “How much is this (fill in the blank)?”

“It has .50 cents on it.”

“I’ll give you a quarter.”

Yeah, I know, we all like a bargain, but really, haggling over .25 cents? For a once used audio book that was purchased six months ago for $28?

“Take it. You can have it. I already listened to it. He dies in the end. Sad, sad story and so unexpected.”

Better yet are the people who won’t pay a quarter for anything yet when we have a big free sign at the end of our driveway, they load up their car. What they don’t want for a dollar or two, they will cart away when it is free. Hmmm. Just my opinion, but if you don’t want something for a quarter, you probably don’t want it at all.

I actually had someone knock on my door yesterday asking about my free table and chairs that are down by the mailbox.

“Do you have the screws for the legs?”

“Yup, they’re attached.”

“Do you have the table leaf?”

Are they kidding? I thought I was being punked or something. IT’S for FREE!

“No, we don’t have the leaf, I didn’t know it had one.”

Looks at me as if considering “buying” the table despite it’s flaws. Shakes his head.

“That’s too bad.”

He leaves without the table, shaking his head as he walks down the driveway. I just want to scream “It’s free!”, but I close my door quietly.

Next year I am not going to have a tag sale. I am going to have a giant bonfire instead. I’ll start by breaking up this leafless table and use it for kindling. Afterall, it is free.

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