Monday, October 27, 2008

The Average American

I hope it isn't true. I have more faith in the American people than this, but I have read a number of times that the average american IQ is 90. This would explain the people in the bank that take twenty minutes to fill out there deposit slip and the fact that my coffee is never right when I go to Dunkin Donuts. But really, IQ 90? Do people understand just how low of an IQ that is?
Help us all. Get our children in school and make them work hard and study. If we are a country with an average IQ of 90, we are in trouble.

1 comment:

Austin said...

Definitely not true. The IQ scale is not set in stone, but rather a comparison of the people taking it against their peers. In other words, an IQ of 100 is set to the average score by definition. An average american would therefore receive the average score: 100.

Let's say I take an IQ test today. My score would be compared to people my age, my peers. If I were to take the test in 1910, I would score higher because there was less education among the masses and more children per family, leading to less attention spent per kid. Compared to them, I would appear much smarter because I have been educated, come from a smaller family, and have been well fed throughout my development.