Monday, October 27, 2008

A Lesson in Poor Parenting

According to the report, the Police responded to J’s home at approximately 5:20 am for a report of a female screaming for help. J reported to the police that W had been drinking and was drunk. W began arguing with J and became combative towards her.

J began to feel unsafe and left the apartment for a short time, however, the children were left in the care of W. When J returned to the home she began getting the children ready for bed. While getting the children ready, W again began arguing. J again left the house to get away from W and again the children were left in the home in the care of W. When she returned home, W was angry and continued to argue with J.

During the argument W grabbed J by the hair and arm and threw her on the floor. He then held her down while punching and slapping her. J stated that she does not remember exactly how many times W hit her while she was on the floor because she eventually blacked out. When she regained consciousness W asked J if she wanted him to get a knife so she could stab him. W then went to get a knife. J used the opportunity to flee the house and again left the children behind. W followed her outside and hit her several more times. The police responded at this time and W was arrested.”

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